sbmb047_055MA� C F-j J� T :3 OWNERS CE RT/F /CATE We hereby cerl/t'q that we are the owners of or have some right, tit /0 or interest ire awd to the real properly included w/lhin the subdivision shown upon t/re adjacent mop and that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear tit /e 10 sold property, and we consent to the makiRy of said map and subdi vls /or/ as shown within the colored border lines, and dedicote to the Coun 1 y of .Son 8arna ino, for pub lic use, AvvisonySrReer. NOTARY A0(410WZ fVamEm r Cour/ly of Son Bernardino, State of Calitornla. On lh /s _ Z- T"doy of - - Lzl lne- _ _ , /950 belore me, Ar� i1?cd¢c+e , o A/otory Pub lic in and for the County of Son Ber'aora'ino, Slate of Cal /lbrn /a , res/din9 therein, du /y commis /owed and swam/, personol /y appearedA.M am( C lRETCHEN 7. FERRIN known to 'we to be Me persons whose Haines are subscr /bed to the within rostrum-/ rl and acA'now- /edge d lo me that They exec uled the same. A w/ loe --u whereof' this day I hope lhere/rnlo subscribed r/sy Horne and affixed my oli�icio /sea /. , /1/ofa l�ub /ic AI -and for the louefy of of California. My co'nmission expires -'/ = a - -- v SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 1 J OH N L. M ER R I A M, do hereby cerl/fy thol I am a registered c /vi/ ewwlieer of Me State of California aad lfiof lhis map eav of once sheel correctly represer/ls a sdrvey 'wade by we /n 117areh 19, and Thal all mont//nents shown lher oc /l 9x151 awd their posit%ons are correct ly shown Dated this -5 day of Apr /l, 1950 Civil yineer Certifcote 4 COLAWY SLI R1/EYORS CERMI CATS I hereby cerl /fy thol / hove examloed the ad, jacewl map, Mal the subd/v/sion slrowe thereon is subslontia //y the same os It appeamd ow the ten - totive /,rap and any approved a /lnralions thereof / 1hol a// of the prop /s /o&s of 1/ie subdiv /lion /no act of the State of Californla and San Bernardino Co. Ordinance /Y° 610 have beery compled with, and I am sotisfied that this map is teehw 1l correct. Paled this day of _ _ -- /950. H. L. WAY County Surveyor San Bernardino County a Peput/� BEING A SUB'N OF POR. OF BLOCK 19 AND BLOCK 2€3, EXCEPT THE SOUTH I.S$ ACRES THEREOF, AS SHOWN ON THE REVISED MAP OF YUCAIPA CITY AS RECORDED IN SOOK IT, PAGE 91, RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERAIARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. #/7.2 Recorded at Request .of in &ok.. Y. 7......_._ of /Ya s Pa ..._.. . " .gi p - .. 7 TED R. CARPEN'T;': er� te n SCALE I -Ioa Found %" pip/ se/ by .523 Co. Z O � o � 0 0 0 .a ?o s. 0 cor. r'z .3 503 - - -1 — 1 2Z9a2 . r r 1112 lre 1 ?8.9 �� 660.37 (reC. 660 J 10. /90.00 Foundl. P. rt/arkPd R.E. 697'9 0/ a// points marked o -58//'2 P. o f a// lot corners. Boos is of hear/179,s, t Lali1ornio Sf ossufirr/ed NORrH. A ZI PI TORS CERTIFICATE I hereby certlfy that accord /n9 to the records of ibis off /ce, as of this date, there are &o liens ago /nsl the real property shown upon the odjocenl mop, for unpaid Stale, Couoty or local taxes, or special assessmeols co/%cled as faxes, except taxes or special assessmen 1/0/ yet payab which are estimated to be $ -------- Valed this 7� day of -4 B y 4h:1— —C4�k P. W. N 1 c H 0 s, County Audilor San Bernardino County. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK Of BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I hereby cerlify thaf a bond in the sum of $., has been executed and filed with the Board of Supervisors of the County of Son Bernard /no, Stale of Ca/ /fornio, condit/oved upon the payment of all taxes, State, County or local, and all special assessmer/fs eotleeled as taxes, wh /ch at the time of A inq ol the ad- joinirly reap with the Co/rnly Recorder, are a lien aga/nst said / properly, bul are not gel Rayable, and said bond has been du /y approved by The Booed of .supervisors. Dated lhis !_�?- day of - - 1950 HARRY L. AL LISON . , County Clerk aad ex- ollleio C/ rk of th BO d of Supervisors lJeputy ACCEPTANCE The County of Son Bernardino, .Stale of Col /torn /a, by and through its duly authorized officers, hereby accepts the fomfoin de /cation. Dated this 1-7- day f _c1 t-s _ /954. y COUNTY OF SAN BER N ARDI N O $TATS OF CALIFORNIA By Chairman of the Board of /ioervisors AT TES T HARRY L. ALLISON County C/ k and Ex- officio Clerk of t e Boa of pery /sors By � Deputy N h ti m m 3 found I.P. R le. /9z/ E. cor. BL. za 7. 94 / q? � t-3-�5