bm_H 120K U.S.C. & G.S. Designation Riverside County Designation Nearest Town Distance and Direction from nearest town Character of Mark Establisbed by Detailed Description DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK. ..State _ s all- fEai County Date 1 h ird order _ RECOVERY NOTE, BENCH MARK I �l sWo � .f r, I< .. Coe ry i >rs Wa n c.n rest town S Chief of Part y Rtacce and 0,r —'.lon 1r +rm n ,lr 7 vll oa south eerast town p '5 "Rata Recovery Dar.c lye Cn. a::ur of mare bronze via: $tamping _ nb.hrd by ;� Pre ., Prea r.t condrtlon �.aa De;allod repoA t `.e f or o- c r t o tst .w t 7 0.v rile ab lt of 7 q 1 r r I o n i era'n [j hi 15f t n a la ,a ,o old er an3 sot 1z rp a no r ed,�,a of .h tree_. Date 1934 Elevation 1810.908 Date _.... _. Date ...._ ___ —____. .._ Date _ _.._. __— — Date lilev. _ Elev. Elev. Elev.