bm_L 517.a� dr (1FSiRII''I'F0N C)F S3ENC tJ: MARK C- .S.C.& G.S. Designation L 517 _State_ 1i rn i as County _ Rivers de ':'vc-rside County De_i> [ .. ..� bna ion _ n,- 3eestlown Palm Desert Distance and Direction from nearest town (laracret of Mark Brass disk _. t.stabh,hed by I , ;azF<a 1 ^scription County 1.4 miles east L 517 1955 Date Riverside DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK De:Cnato, L 517 Siate Call [cards County Riverside N... eattown Palm Desert Cmmty Riverside -- E'=tao, a d re tim, Irc rest town 1.4 stUs- Beet Cnararmr of nark grass disk Stamping L 5171955 EerLbl hy Coast L Geodetic Survey D l 1 sglptloo. 1.4 Ville asst along State Highway 74 and 111 from the port office at Palm Desert, at the intersection of Cook Street, 47.7 fact south of the.. center line — of the h£ghxay 34 feat wset of the center line of the street. 2 fast rest of poxar Sine pole 75281 and in line with ::a row of power line polee, 2.9 feet coat of a xitnaespcets stout 2feet lower than - the hig7lvay, and at In the top of a concrete Dar C Date poet pro7acting 0.2 fact above' the grouts. Elev. -Date: 1955 -56 ..Elevation: 190.603 U.S.C. & G.S. Designation 1- Riverside County Designation Second Order _ DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK Thine oader —state Cal i forn a__Cana y Pi versi de Nearest Town __._ Palm-Desert .... _- _County Distance and Direction from nearest town Character of Mark Established by U. S. C & L -517 1955 Date Detailed Description 1_.4 m iles _ E St Hwy #74 and #_1 from _post o at Palm _ De th intersection of Cook St., 47.7 feet southe of the ce of the highway,_ 34.0 feet w esterly of the c enterl ine o f the str 2.0 _feet wes o f power line pole #352 and in line with a row of li ne poles, 2.9 feet easter of a wltness-Rost, abou 2.0—feet— than highway. Set __in for of c oncrete - post proaect_� 0 -F above Date 1_9_5 - 5 6 _ Date Date .__.- _ Date Elev. 190.603 (USC &GS) Elev. Elev. Eiev. 790.6 . Ri tt_ co)