bm_PD 63DF-S(JUP NON OF 1 1 UNCU NVOKK t%SJ:' & G"->. C8 "A'Fo"" aid 16nersidv (,ounit s t,aaesrrt P D- 6 India COUDq Averside Jdstanc( iQd fiom fwwcst rown (WUMY Riversi de (AHMC"W of fork Handwell Monument Sminped -kmaNjshc-d !)v Riverside CoUnLy Due , Dec, 1463 WaWd Wswokon l,C Mg so _r along WdSsun Street from theintersection ofMadison Street and 38th Avenue to the WerNection of Madison Street and 40thAvenue 66,40 feet southwesterly frona G < usil and, tin on the southszis', side of,powey note 035057 - cwt. 69.93 feet northeasterly from a cut ny" on-thy southeast end QE bridge curb,, 50.42 feet nord- weamly want a nal) aud, tin on the north j1de of a 24 40.41 tect souc1n- ,at 'y from a nail and tin on tha sOuthWest side Of Power pole 096316-ID. Dec. 1963 DA Dal- Date 3 Fist J, 7 19 Wen F I ev,