bm_Q 408V "e[ A U.S,( & C'S. Dt'sl Q 408 �.r,,._e California c . _Ri versi de 'asfst ') uv.n _ Whl tewdter _ _ tnnnry ;t,tat,'t'),ti: t, tf�4), t ),te_c:,; ='rr from Post Office 0.25 mile west st. along U.S. Hwy No. 99 to junction of U.S. 99 and Whitewater River Canyon Road; thence 2.3 miles north along White -, ,,).at 4 M water River Canyon Road Sr.tr.,i)t<3 zat�i tih�� b•� ]7au ,s DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK r r Callfornlu _ Coa tv ti side . De gout n f t 4 40e Smt Vlnikervn ar Co: q Rivers id. r ro ^,t n n st n U ry. 170. _ o . d Drstunco and d n t�nn Gnm n,n cst t vm , to j uootio� of Pa. Y: er�d lutc�'n irr,r t.yon Rand- -- -- -- -- — Daoil d r §any Waa of lucctioa tMmn 2.3 rd. north al g �ita)wb r aivar Cogyon Aosd. _ Along tho 'Whiteraater Rlwr Crayon Road, 71 foet rvost of the bardr of the t'hito Rive,^. and 37 Soot enat of the aerator line of _ mast the ro d. 'Tie Benoh ' is 103. fast south of Benoh M rk P 408 and 104 Seat north of Benoh Mork R 1,06. A standard disk, stanped "Q 406 1935. Date: 1935 Elevation: 1747.533 Dace __. Date _ _ Date Efe., _