bm_U 397DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK U.S.C. & G.S. Designation Riverside County Designation Nearest Town Distance and Direction from nearest town Character of Mark County „ �e<ond Ord, ! ! I Gd order x Stamped H 397 Established by _ '. — ".C,. fw Date e. akM.aea Z� Detailed Description ae.areaar _ _ s. a•. RECQVF_RY NOTE, SENCH MARK Deslgnatim 5 39! SlMo Ca%f.,,w .q o tom,ty Rwersidw Nearest towr 4r to fsur.fy Riverside x.949 Distonce and d root. ion r,,oeet ro,.. 6.7 Use northwest fiP�rSl. character of mark Bronze disk Somo,g B dry/ 1935 Established by U. S. Coast an! Geodetie Swvey Present coedi!lon Good -- Da!ailed re port 3.8 mils. west along A1ee.aedro Bowl... el fro. the peat office et Yoram, thence 1.0 mile north elong Porrie B4O,.rd, th 1.9 !nllee ...t eisng Eucalyptus Avenue, 535 feet we.t of the intxraectlon of the cantor Uns of 5vcs— lytpv. Avenue ant hseon Street, 492,^ feet "set of B.M. 0 445, 1sC} feet t . of the center line of the west driveway to a residence, 13! feet west of the center line of the Aaet driveway to the save reeidence feet northwest of power line pool. (/1.6540, 28; feet neat of an olive tree, 211 foot north oI the center 11ne of the avenue, 11j feet east of an olive tree, and .et in the top of a concrete poet projecting 0.3 foot above the grouts. NOEt Joleon Street "a boon ren.viced "Eucalyptus Ave:ue". In :arch 1953, UI'GS reported that this "ark he. been disturbed end tilted over, Date _ Reported Not Roc ued Elev. 3 ,$ate 1949 Elevation 1692.513