00_0322029PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CLERK OF THE BOARD DEPARTMENT (CAC -14th Floor) AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Doc " 2000- 322OZO 090000 Ba/17/2000 "Won f armed Copy '08 Has not been compared with original Gary L Orso Assessor, County yCl Clerk Recorder CAC Bldg. -14th Floor I THIS SPACE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY RESOLUTION NO. 2000-210 Title of Document (ACCEPTING A PORTION OF COLUMBIA AVENUE, IN THE WINCHESTER AREA, INTO THE COUNTY MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM) 1 (TLMAITransp. Dept.) (Item 2.14 of August 15, 2000) n THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION COPY SUBMITTAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS '�, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA i' of ` O o Y FROM TLMA / Trans. Dept. SUBMITTAL DATE:July 11, 2000 M frs �� SUBJECT: Accepting the offer of dedication for a portion of Columbia Avenue, in the Winchester Area, and accepting Columbia Avenue into the County Maintained Road System. Third Supervisorial District. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2000 - 210 accepting a portion of Columbia Avenue for a Public Road and into the County Maintained Road System. �; o � �= N 0 o0 u =z i o - - v T ?+ V U Q Z Q d ❑ ❑ V] N 00 U m v G N E U_ U y 0 ac m a� E a mW n aa ipAy 11 4115'11 JUSTIFICATION: The construction of Columbia Avenue between Simpson Avenue and Haddock Street will be built by County day labor. The purpose is to provide the new Fire Station, located on Haddock Street, a Conn 'on north to Simpson Avenue. David E. Barnhart EH:gjb Attachments: Resolution No. 2000 -210 Vicinity Map Director of Transportation MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On motion of Supervisor Tavaglione, seconded by Supervisor Mullen and duly carried by unanimous vote, IT WAS ORDERED that the above matter is approved as recommended. Ayes: Buster, Tavaglione, Venable, Wilson and Mullen Noes: None Absent: None. Date: 5t 15, 2000 xc: Co.Co., R:corder Gera] . Maloney Cie o the d By: - _ Deputy 2.14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RESOLUTION NO 2000 -210 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ACCEPTING A PORTION OF COLUMBIA AVENUE, IN THE WINCHESTER AREA, INTO THE COUNTY MAINTAINED ROAD SYSTEM. (Third Supervisorial District) WHEREAS, the hereinafter described public road was offered for dedication for public road purposes by the "Parsons Survey of the Town of Winchester" recorded in book 2, page I 1 of Maps, records of the Recorders Office, Riverside County, California, which a portion has not been accepted for Public use and is not part of the County Maintained Road System, now, therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State of California, in regular session assembled on Au gust 15, 2000 , 2000, that this Board accepts the offer of dedication and recognizes that said road is a public road open for use by the general public and be formally brought into the County Maintained Road System; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED, AND ORDERED that this acceptance is for the purpose of vesting title in the County of Riverside on behalf of the public for public roads and utility uses and is an acceptance of the road into the County Maintained Road System pursuant to Section 941 of the Streets and Highways Code, said road is accepted into the County Maintained Road System; 25 26 27 Ill 28 i// Said road is in the County of Riverside, State of California, and is described as follows: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 i Resolution No. 2000 -210 THIRD SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT COLUMBIA AVENUE (See Attachment No. 1) That portion of Columbia Avenue (80.00 wide), lying between Simpson Avenue and Willard Street as shown on "Parsons Survey of the Town of Winchester" recorded in book 2, page 11 of Maps, records of the Recorders Office, Riverside County, California, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Board shall cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California. FORM APPROVED COUNTY COUNSEL � 111 Roll Call_ Ayes: Buster, Tavaglione, Venable,-Wilson and Mullen Noes: None Absent: None Th7� i:, cncing is c2K'9cd to boa true Copy cf a resc % :Vcn dL�-/ c ; cr.'d r,0ZA of S-- C.1 CII! Ld 8 - eputy EH:gjb WO # B00802 2.14 8/15/0( 462-17 rRA. 071-o45 071-212 so so' so, So 5 4 /001 171 T �j Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 L 7P 56 WG - 4 06 4 POR s 1 0 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 � . @6 3. A,- 017A L 1 1 � � l � 4 174 7 T T t t E f \. C7 �� E 10 I l 12 13 N 15 16 17 7 :T$ AV. ALrW W .40 40 70' 40 40 5a' .470 6,7 WILLAAD VO IM-,N 4-e r 7 w ffs 15 1 M.B. 2111 Persons Survey Town of Wl&hester DatO. AN 1971 1 . 0 0 0 to a a 0 .0 a 0 a m a a SW rAr,61,145 SURVEY OF THE TOwx OF BUFtyElf OF GUSUsVISION Ot rile 4'U'."w W'* V",.r c 04 21 22 27 64 Ar-or $' R-T '49 Ja ------------ It I. i 02 �,rn[.r�n i�t -. t sr �� l y . . ......... sr' S'r wc-00, I I I :s ji .32 i 7: I !i i� .10