1e_3e_00024, a ft - -- �� S uo,o /e m e n oc7 / P/c7 f o ' Se c ti o n 6; - - -- Tolvn ship 111. So ti eh; I --tn e N. J'Ea s�, ,S'ca n L errzczrc�zno_M�r'(�1l�Ll ?,, Cc�LL,��rrz zc�. 0- f 1' r h' ,( IJ c <' 11 R It A Sco7 /e 20 chains = / /i7ch. y ' Sec. 6 Sec. a Serr. l Sec. 3 Ser•. 2 Ser•. / y 1114. Th /s Sc.1 1erne1?t=7 1 ,o /af; shorviny fhe subc/ivision of orig1'06/ Lots 3(=70d7, S eC7 '- 1;D17 6, T. 2S R /E. Scr7 Bern�rc/ /no /Y7eridi�n, C�7 /ifom /� p /�f c�o�rovec/ Ocfoier //, /895, /s /rude for 1 Rur o7' oLDf�ining f/ve c7re,2 c71-7c/ /eq�/ des /gr/dfion of fhe su6di visi017S fhereOl 11'77 /`he /r / / midst �r�a Sec. 31 Y,.,,..3 +�'eSf hri / corr/ /y with �n �/�/% /�c�fio /�Lvs Hrc�e /es 0298� of frn�o' t nr - . /7e reby ��/� r-o ve c/ C/ S. Surveyor- Uer��r - ter /<s 07�i'c�, N L_ 7 D. B. Are +rs irr. Acres . Publialand 7n {!inn. R. hrdi,ar Allotments .11rarnra 1 7; lai>ns II TPbter SnrF,ace Tot/el Area, h See. 7 See. 8 See. 9 Sec. 70 Se, %ll Sec. 12 a • East 490. 4 9 I I I I •� I I 1 120.00 20.00 I t, Sec.18 Sec.17 Q _ - - - - - j - - - I -'- - I- - - - - - -� - - - - - 5'ec.1 /i Sec. 13 by I ' 5 I 1 % - -- -I 'S eel 6 - - - -- -- ° .Sec., - -- I--- - - - -- 0 . I ' � • 6 I I I 1 I A. Se4 .Sec. 20 1 1 - 7 I 2 v /o I 22.68 120.001 I I I I ' I Ec�S� 8/ -3S ' I ,Sec. 7 See. 8 l Sec. 30 See. 29 Sec. 28 Sec. 27 .Ser•. 26 .Sec. 2.5 tt Los Hr7ge /es 02/298, 'E H. K., November 24, /9/S. Th /s Sc.1 1erne1?t=7 1 ,o /af; shorviny fhe subc/ivision of orig1'06/ Lots 3(=70d7, S eC7 '- 1;D17 6, T. 2S R /E. Scr7 Bern�rc/ /no /Y7eridi�n, C�7 /ifom /� p /�f c�o�rovec/ Ocfoier //, /895, /s /rude for 1 Rur o7' oLDf�ining f/ve c7re,2 c71-7c/ /eq�/ des /gr/dfion of fhe su6di visi017S fhereOl 11'77 /`he /r / / midst �r�a Sec. 31 Y,.,,..3 +�'eSf hri / corr/ /y with �n �/�/% /�c�fio /�Lvs Hrc�e /es 0298� of frn�o' t nr - . /7e reby ��/� r-o ve c/ C/ S. Surveyor- Uer��r - ter /<s 07�i'c�, N L_ 7 D. B. Are +rs irr. Acres . Publialand 7n {!inn. R. hrdi,ar Allotments .11rarnra 1 7; lai>ns II TPbter SnrF,ace Tot/el Area, a W �J 7G /S GO, C // f /c? �eCer77be/ /9/ J, rr ,O 20 40 90 U. S Sc�rv�yor= C.rci� era/ .Srale, 40 ('&sins to an in.ch Mean alarine/ir• tre Cti /r Jr HO)t lnu,rmt / Surietiti IV/re Sua -vevs Designated By 117ronr .Sutvnyed -- - — -- - -- - /l _r/e 111s_ ,hs / k.. Be un / nr.dNle,/ 1 /' % / �, H4 A"). OP /111 1 %'he ,/hr,v,• ttra , „ owns rt, �1i,. I — - - - -- - - - - -1 -- - - _- { -- - llet•i,liarr is .strictly con7orm,lbb lu the field note,~ ref' the- survey thereof on, Fule in 11ri.s r, / /ire, which have heen e.rrrnrined wtd (ipp nrerl -- /', .ti'..Surrr Ur•nerals Ilf %ine. 1 4urvgvor General. I -- -_ -- -- – __ -�._ it --. _..- ----------- - - - - -— -- --- - -- - -- -- - - -- -_. ..._ .- � -- --- ' J / l r W ; r