rs148_001P.M. 222 / 55-58 FD. 29' I.P. TAGGED P.L.S. 6042, DN. 0.6', PER C.R. 13-08479 P.M. 235/84-859 & P.M. 222/55-58. FD. P.K. NAIL & TAG STAMPED "RIVERSIDE CITY ENGR. " 9 DN. 0.05% PER CITY RIV. T.B. 11722.T]F, P.M. 235/84-85t & P.M. 222/55-58. W.O. 16-49 IN THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA RECORD OF SURVEY OF A PORTION OF LOT 33 OF THE MAP OF BROCKTON PLACE SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 9 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 79, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ALSO LYING WITHIN RANCHO JURUPA. ACTION SURVEYS SEPTEMBER, 2016 B� MFR, �Ft B 0 4(1 ,C? RA jj���11111 9&R 2,� 194 �3 S 90 ,60 ) 90) se 06 9 r 74 N, qp> 60' 309 0' SCALE: 1"= 60' `r?��o sgs�ooz;> 4 Al 111 4 00 6OZ7 4C4 OP c��Rr 4� 120' 180 SET 1 " I. P. TAGGED L.S. 4343, FLUSH. FD. MAGNAIL & TAG STAMPED "RIVERSIDE CITY SURVEYOR", FLUSH. ACCEPTED AS CL. INT. BROCKTON AVE. & BEECHWOOD PL. PER P.M. 235/84-85. <qcF 0040 IWV) ft r- 1%I FD. NAIL & TAG L.S. 00 7663 IN TOP OF CURB PER P.M. 235/84-85. 400,ti t S. l UNABLE TO SET IRON PIPE ,%.. OR LEAD & TAG AT ACTUAL 0 00 FRONT CORNERS WITHOUT J tom, ry Ca BREAKING EDGE OF EXISTING SIDEWALK. 41 FD. 2" I.P. W/NAIL IN CON -C., DN. 0.8#9 IN WELL PER CITY RIV. T.B. 1022.11E & P.M. 235/84-85. oil Oslo aosa�s� OK/GI�IAL SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET RECORDER'S STATEMENT Filed this day of --j"4*4v 2017v at lisSr xn, in Book at of Records of Survey at Page the request of the County Surveyor. 0 ��a No. Fee Peter AldarI Assessor—Count y, C4erk— R ec order B Deputy SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This map correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with the requirements of the Professional Land Surveyors Act, at the request of Delores Crisucci on August 18, 2016. J g�` oo � /- 3!- X0/7 No. 4343 Gabriel D. Ybarra L. .4343 exp. 6-30-18 Exp. 6-30-18 ATF OF C SURVEYOR'S NOTES Basis of Bearings is taken from the Centerline of Elmwood Court per P.M. 235/84-85, being N 60*57'17" W. 0 Denotes found monument as noted. 0 Denotes set Lead, Brass nail, and tag L.S. 4343, flush, in sidewalk, unless otherwise noted. () Denotes record data per M.B. 9/79, unless otherwise noted. [ ] Denotes record data per P.M. 235/84-85. R&M Denotes record and measured data. CITY RIV. T.B. denotes City of Riverside Tie Book All I.P. dimensions are inside diameter. The survey shown hereon was performed on 8-24-2016. Property corners were established by single proportion COUNTY SUR�dEYOR'S STATEMENT This map has been examined in accordance with Section 8766 of the Professional Land Surveyors' Act this day of�. 201716 Iowa Achard G. Lantis,, 04d-nnotty Surveyor L.S. 7611 Expiration Date: 12-31-18 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S NOTE: The County Surveyor has not established as of the date of recording of this Record of Survey that the land shown in this Record of Survey is in compliance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, Division 2 (commencing with Section 66410) of Title 7 of the Goverment Code. The Parcel shown on this survey may not have been legally created and therefore may not be a buildable parcel. pots Richard G. Lantis, 06unty Surveyor L.S. 7611 Expiration Date: 12-31-18 SEC 27 -2S -5W RIV. CO. 16-139