r12_18e_089_aTOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 17 EAST, OF THE SARI BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, CALIFORNIA. DEPENDENT RESURVEY AND SURVEY ' i I Sec. I Sec. 12 Sec. 13 c 0 e 2 v Sec. 24 Me an magnetic declination 15° East Sec. 25 Sec. 36 plat represents a retracement and reestablishment portion of the south boundary and a portion of ubdivisional lines designed to restore the cor- in their true original locations according to the available evidence and the survey to complete the boundary of Township 6 South, Range 17 East, San rdino Meridian, California. The west boundary was yed concurrently with this group. istory of previous boundary surveys is contained o field note record. urveys were executed by Edward D. Lewis and er A. Swiatek, beginning March 31, 1955 and com- d April 4, 1956, pursuant to special instructions roue No. 410, California, dated November 16, 1 955• UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Washington, D.C. June 13, 1963 This plat is strictly conformable to the approved L notes, and the survey, having been correctly ex- :d in accordance with the requirements of law and . of this Bureau, is hereby accepted. For the Director IV ? Chief, Division of Engineering titude 33 ° 35.9 N. ngitude 115 09.0' W. ;his area consists of greasewood. IO $ 0 is ,P 30 40 S,0 6 Tp 8,0 Chains Area resurveyed: 320.00 Acres